Current Implementation Status |
In January 2018 IDDSI framework and its detailed definitions were published in the Slovenian language, and ver 2.0 followed in spring 2020. Both documents underwent a thorough review by experts in the field. Tertiary acute care hospital UMC Ljubljana implemented the IDDSI framework at its first publishment in 2018. Although no formal national implementation consensus was accepted, regional hospitals are raising initiatives to follow the example of good clinical practice. |
Reference Group |
IRG Slovenia was established in March 2022. Its members work towards official IDDSI endorsement by the non-government professional organizations and the Ministry of Health, Republic of Slovenia.
IRG Slovenija je bil ustanovljena v marcu 2022. Njeni člani si prizadevajo za uradno priznanje Mednarodne iniciative za standardizacijo diet pri disfagiji (IDDSI) s strani nevladnih strokovnih organizacij in Ministrstva za zdravje Republike Slovenije. Novi člani ali zainteresirani se lahko skupini pridružite:
PRIJAVA V NOVIČNIK(IRG SI newsletter application):
Primary Contacts |
Barbara Vogrinčič, Clinical Speech and Language Pathologist
Tina Pogorelčnik, Clinical Speech and Language Pathology Fellow |
Contact |
Email or contact at |
Resources |
Translations of the Framework and Testing methods are avaliable at
More information is coming soon. |
This information was last updated on Dec 2022 |