Current Implementation Status |
In Progress: An IDDSI reference group is currently being assembled in Croatia. If you are interested to participate in the Croatia IDDSI reference group, please contact us.
U procesu: IDDSI referentna grupa se trenutno osniva u Hrvatskoj. Zainteresirani za sudjelovanje u IDDSI referentnoj grupi Hrvatske mogu se javiti na |
Primary Contacts |
Petra Mihaljević, MA
Marija Selak, MSc Nutr
Dora Bučan Nenadić, MSc Nutr
Petra Mihaljević, mag. logoped.
Marija Selak, mag. nutr.
Dora Bučan Nenadić, mag. nutr. |
Contact Emails |
Email Us or contact  |
Registry |
There is no current registry of IDDSI users in Croatia.
Trenutno ne postoji registar IDDSI korisnika u Hrvatskoj.